Tuesday, March 2, 2010

silence tuesday

hello everyone..
have a nice day? hope so.
second day in march going on with silence. I get up at 10 o'clock. home alone because my mother go for work. first time I see my cellphone I just think to open my twitter and read what people write. after that I wash my face and toothbrush. I dont take a bath today. what do you think about the smell? :D . then go to kitchen and see just rice in the rice cooker. my mind just think about how about make a fried rice. so I put butter and some spice and make friedrice. I think I make an ordinary friedrice not bad for silence tuesday.

a minute later my friend called and asked me "which one better, use php or vb.net?". I think you all know what we talked. there are one of programming language. and I answered " in my opinion I prefer used php because the source code is easy to learn. but you must know your needed and your knowledge. you are basicly from vb so use vb for easy way. if you used php you must learn from beginning and are you sure you can learn it just for 3 day?" my friend said "no. I can't. yeah, I will used vb. thanks for your advise. byee". byeee and I ended the call. silence again. huh.

I go to my bedroom and see bejo and tazmania doll. as information bejo is my green notebook. some indonesian people called green with ijo. and think that why I dont use bejo for it name. after that I always called bejo for my green notebook :D and the tazmania doll is from uyuy. she is my best friend :)

bejo with tazmania. my silent friends for today.

then what I decide to do? just browsing and open my facebook to see online shop and filter some online shop which has an ugly item and remove it. sorry but I think it is not important. I do it for 6 hour and find some item that cute. fiuh.. it really waste my time. for 6 hour ?? huh. but I am happy can window shopping :D .
this some item that I want :

a blue superman shirt. simple :)

simple black floral dress

cute boots xD

acid maxi dress

cute blue floral mini dress. really like this.
and all the item is from yuna brand. you can search in facebook with that name.

in the night my mother came and bring me some food for dinner but we just have a little conversation. silence and I go to my bedroom again. browsing and update my blog.
hmm.. what a silence day!

me and my messy hair and what a smell :D. my tazmania doesn't like that so he open very big mouth. hehehe..

well.. have a nice tuesday.

dream it do it - walt disney

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